Sunset at the Shore


A painter and a writer, artistically practicing their craft, create wonderful visual images that leave an imprint in our mind. Whether it is the vibrant hues of color painted across a canvas or the flow of a thousand descriptive words, we get the picture. One of the most beautiful places I know is located in Cape May, New Jersey.  It is called Sunset Beach.  At dusk,  crowds flock to this southern most point to witness the sun sink slowly into the ocean.  Breath-takingly beautiful, I will let the pictures speak for themselves. I can’t wait to return!

3 thoughts on “Sunset at the Shore

  1. Your words as you described the pictures were artistic as well! Wow! What scenery! I’m sure you are counting the days until you get to go back.


  2. So very, very beautiful. Thank you for sharing this lovely scene, both in your pictures and in your words..


  3. Oh, my, you’re right.

    I love the brief description, which sounds very much like an introduction to this magnificent piece.. which it is. Your opening line was PERFECT!

    Model text for my students in description! Brief, eloquent and on-target! Thank you!


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